Monday, November 6, 2017

Status Epilepticus strikes C.

From an online guide to administering Diazepam rectally
We are enduring rough seizure-laden days. C. has even gotten tangled in status epilepticus a couple of times. It's reached the point where a few hours' stretch without seizures is pure heaven.

This bad run began out of the blue on Friday. As usual, there is no change in her routine or in her diet we can blame.

The Cannabis THC did work this morning, zapping a particularly intense status session. But after my daughter-the-dentist reminded me of it, I asked C.'s pediatrician for a Stesolid script.

So we are now stocked with two boxes of 10 mg Diazapam rectal tubes (the equivalent of Stesolid). We haven't used the stuff in at least a decade but it seems a better option than the ER. We are braced for a fresh round of this curse.

PS: The dreaded status struck again tonight. THC took a little longer to work but eventually reined in the seizures. To inject some variety, C. has also vomited twice in the last 24 hours, raising the suspicion that there's something non-neurological underlying this mess. If there's no improvement tomorrow, we will try to do blood tests.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Oh dear, I sure hope this passes. If she does have an infection or virus, at least you'll know why, but I hate it when our girls suffer so --